How would Epicurus - the fourth of the great Greek philosophers after Plato, Socrates and Aristotle -
have taught the theory of taste, had he been shown it?
Maybe something like this.
This course will teach you how to eat systematically for taste, allowing you to replace the current, global trial-and-error method.
Twelve independent, stand-alone video lectures will introduce you to the theory of taste. In each case, the 45 minute presentation
follows the same format. It takes us from introducing the theory to putting it into practice with recipe-examples showing how to
apply the new theory.
Alongside the twelve stand-alone videos there is a separate and independent series of twelve emails.
Where each video is a single stand-alone presentation from scratch of the idea from theory to practise, the emails are a cumulative build-up to a single, coherent overview of the new idea, in theory as well as practise.