Partner Proposal
Physics Introduction: Page 2 of 2
School of Philosophy
Book Tickets For Shows
Please select the arrow for the day of the week you want at the chosen venue. You can then choose the date to book via the Ticketing service
Show Title Day Venue Location Availability Vote Result
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Thursday 16th October 2014 Ipswich County Library Ipswich PASSED Youtube video
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Wednesday 4th March 2015 CoOp Education Centre Ipswich PASSED Youtube video
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Thursday 19th August 2015 CoOp Education Centre Ipswich CANCELLED Youtube video
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Fridays (up to 27/09/24) St Margarets Ipswich YES New Venue
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Fridays (up to 27/09/24) Copdock Village Hall Copdock YES Check back later
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Fridays (up to 27/09/24) All Hallows Church Hall Ipswich YES New Venue
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Saturdays (up to 28/09/24) Loraine Victory Hall Bramford YES New Venue
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Saturdays (up to 28/09/24) Copdock Village Hall Copdock YES Check back later
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Wednesdays (up to 28/08/24) St Margarets Church Centre Ipswich YES New Venue
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Fridays (up to 30/08/24) All Hallows Church Hall Ipswich YES New Venue
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Fridays (up to 30/08/24) Copdock Village Hall Copdock YES Check back later
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Saturdays (up to 31/08/24) Loraine Victory Hall Bramford YES New Venue
This Is The Shape Of The Universe! Saturdays (up to 19/11/22) 24th Ipswich Scouts Ipswich CANCELLED Youtube video
Show Information
Come and and discover the astounding shape of the universe!

Cynics will be thinking "What is the big deal? We might not know the exact shape but we sort of know what it is, don't we? We know about the Big Bang, and we even know about the "big crunch", and the 'saddle' topology! Aren't there real mysteries out there, like quantum gravity, the multiverse, and not to mention dark energy? Besides, the universe is infinite - doesn't it have infinite shapes anyway??

If that is what they think, we don't want to say they are completely wrong, but let us try and introduce at least a little doubt about what seems so, so certain.

First, see how dark energy, dark matter, and even dark flow are each illuminated by the actual topology of the universe.

Second, learn how clumsy ideas like 'inflation' and misunderstandings such as that the Big Bang is like a firework (explosion), or a balloon (expansion), can all be replaced by a single, elegant model.

Third, see how new insights are revealed, such as the 'secret history' of the Milky Way.

With no new science and maths, this is simple enough for anyone with GCSE physics to understand.
We all have all the pieces of the jigsaw, but only a shape for the universe shows you the picture on top of the jigsaw box! And at the end you get to vote on it! There is even a money-back guarantee for you if you think you know better (see money-back offer below).
If   you want to tell  us, email us from the previous page.
If you cannot attend a show, you can still read the maths and physics essays published here. Just follow the link from the menu or the previous page.
Money-Back Offer:
Our entertaining and educational show (see above) promises to demonstrate the shape of the Universe using only the 'GCSE' Level physics and the maths you know from school.
If this is not shown to you, for example because of some flaw you find in the explanation, there is a money-back offer:
At the end of the show, the audience is asked to vote. If a majority ever votes that there was a factual error in the information presented, the whole audience gets its money back.
Leave A Review:
P lease do leave us a review of the Show for the benefit of others. You can do so at TrustPilot under the website name ( After any show, if you have a complaint please email us at
Certificate of Learning
A signed Certificate of Learning  is offered to each attendee, as shown.
You can download a full-size PDF here.
Simply print out and bring along for the presenter to sign.
Drinks & Nibbles
Please bring your own soft drinks (lemonade, Coke, etc) and nibbles like corn chips as no refreshments are offered during the show.
Order by Post
If you prefer you can order by post from:
The Manager, 12 Hyperion Court, Ipswich IP1 5AJ
'BIG TALK' Magazine

Physics Introduction: Page 2 of 2
New Philosophy of Truth